Simple Meditation Instructions

Meditation may be one of the most important things that you can do in your life. The benefits are numerous. You enter an immense world, far greater than the material world in which we currently exist. However it is best simply to do meditation, without expectations of results, as that may limit your access to them.

If you wish to start meditation, these are some basic instructions :

For Regular Practice

It is good to have a regular space where you meditate at a regular time each day. Many people prefer first thing in the morning, but you can choose any time that works for you.

If you have sufficient space, it is nice to have a puja or altar or something similar on which you can put spiritual objects that are meaningful to you.

A good meditation cushion is also highly recommended. Mediation cushions made with a buckwheat filling appear to be most supportive, but just start with whatever feels comfortable.


Generally it is best to sit in a cross-legged position, one leg in front of the other, ie not crossed on top of one another, which can tend to stop circulation during long periods of meditation. Sit on a meditation cushion, so that your knees are below your hips. Use supports under your knees (like additional small blankets) if your knees require it and/or do not fully touch the floor yet. Back straight and head positioned squarely on your body. Hands positioned on your thighs in Chin Mudra (with the thumbs and forefingers touching) or placed one on top of the other in your lap. Eyes gently closed.


Beginners normally start with ten minutes and then as you get comfortable continually increase by five minutes until you get up to an hour or longer, if that works to you.

Set a timer app on your phone to the desired time period and try not move until the period is finished. Many timer apps have the option of meditation gongs to signal the end of the session.

Greater benefits tend to come after you reach 20 mins or more of meditation. But it seems to be better to keep a regular practice even if for shorter periods rather than irregular longer sessions, but see what works for you.

Sometimes when one sits for meditation, one slips directly into a meditative state. Other times you may find your mind is rather busy. At these times counting your out-breaths from one to ten, repeatedly until you are settled seems to help considerably. If your mind wanders, then just start again from one.

Keep the body as still as possible. Focus on the breath coming in and going out of the nose. If thoughts arise just let them go. Repeating a mantra also helps to prevent the mind from wandering. There are many you can chose from. Two popular ones are Om Namah Shivaya or Om Mani Padme Hum.

As you keep the body still, the breath becomes more refined. As the breath becomes more refined, then the mind naturally becomes quieter.

When you come out of meditation, come out of it gently. Try and hold the refined state you have entered as you start your day.

Meditation tends to teach meditation, so the objective should be just to commit to practice regularly and then the immense benefits will follow naturally.
