Recommended Charities

Image by Ralphs_Fotos from Pixabay

These have been obtained from a variety of sources including GiveWell, which identifies organisations that produce exceptional results. We group them into the same categories as our previous analysis.

Global Poverty



One Acre Fund

Village Enterprise

The Borgen Project


Save The Children

Disease – including Mental Health

Against Malaria Foundation

Malaria Consortium

Development Media International

Sanku-Project Healthy Children

Fistula Foundation

Evidence Action

Equalize Health

Living Goods

The Fred Hollows Foundation

Population Services International


Helen Keller International

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition

Schistosomiasis Control Initiative

Iodine Global Network

New Incentives

Other Species / Environment

Union of Concerned Scientists

Natural Resources Defense Council

Environmental Working Group

Friends of the Earth

The Sierra Club Foundation

Rainforest Alliance


Conservation International

Environmental Defense Fund

World Wildlife Fund – WWF

The Nature Conservancy

The Humane League

Open Wing Alliance

Wild Animal Initiative

The Clean Air Task Force

Global Catastrophes

Future of Humanity Institute

Nuclear Threat Initiative’s Biosecurity Program

Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security

Centre for the Governance of AI

Center on Long-Term Risk





Innovations for Poverty Action

Rethink Priorities