How Much Difference Can $50 Make?

In case you’re wondering how much difference you can actually make. The following are estimates from Peter Singer’s The Life You Can Save book on what a USD 50 donation can achieve:

  • Deliver treatments through the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative or Evidence Action’s Deworm the World program to protect an estimated 100 or more children from parasitic worm infections, preventing life-threatening conditions including bladder cancer, kidney malfunction, spleen damage, and anaemia; or

  • Deliver, through the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition or the Iodine Global Network, a year of iodized salt for an estimated 500 people, improving health and protecting against iodine deficiency disorders such as brain damage; or

  • By means of Evidence Action’s Dispensers for Safe Water program, provide safe drinking water to an estimated 40 community members for one year; or

  • Cover production costs of 100 Zusha! driver safety awareness stickers to place in buses, where they have been proven to significantly reduce accidents and injuries; or

  • Take care of the annual costs of high-quality health care for two patients in remote Nepal offered by Possible, including home visits and surgery, with no fee-for-service at the point of care; or

  • Avert an estimated two years of sickness and disability for those in low-income countries through disease prevention and treatment, maternal health, family planning, and other health services from Population Services International; or

  • Enable One Acre Fund to supply a farm family of six with inputs such as seeds, fertilizer, training, and market access support, to increase production and profits by an average of 50% in a single season; or

  • Pay for training and support of a Living Goods Community Health Worker to reach 30 Ugandans for one year with essential health information, counselling, diagnosis, referral, and treatment.

So even what is probably quite a small amount for most people reading this, if donated to high quality organisations, make a significant impact in other people’s lives.

The important thing is to know which organisations create effective solutions and use your donations efficiently. More to come on this…