Causes of Poverty

Image by Kasun Chamara from Pixabay

I came upon some information on the causes of poverty and did some additional research and welcome feedback and more info on the following.

Some factors that seem to have a strong impact on causing poverty are :

  1. Integration of all sectors of society to have the same rights as all.

  2. Conflict severally increases the probability of poverty, particularly wars, but even unsafe environments promote barriers to economic development.

  3. Poverty causes hunger, but the reverse is also true. Adults who were stunted as children on average earn 22% less.

  4. Similarly poor healthcare systems create significant barriers to improving one’s lot in life.

  5. Lack of access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene.

  6. Natural disasters and climate change can also significantly impact poverty levels.

  7. Lacking education for whatever reason. UNESCO has estimated that 171 million people could be lifted out of extreme poverty if they left school with basic reading skills.

  8. Poor infrastructure, lack of jobs, financial reserves and government support also all create barriers to the alleviation of poverty.

Welcome comments, feedback and more info.